
The staff and administration of Finger Lakes Coordination & Care are committed to the safety of our staff, our individuals and our communities. In response to the COVID-19 crisis the following safeguards have been implemented:

  • All staff must complete a health screening assessment at the beginning of their work day. This screening includes taking their temperature and stating if they are displaying any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or have traveled to any of the restricted areas as outlined in Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 205 within the last 14 days. Any staff working remotely will complete their health screening at home prior to their work day and report the outcome to their supervisor before any visits or meetings occur.

  • Anyone answering “yes” to the screening questions or with a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher will be sent home immediately. They will not be allowed to return to work until they have been fever free for 72 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medication.

  • Anyone traveling to a restricted area as listed in Executive Order 205 will need to get a COVID-19 test within 24 hours of returning to New York State and provide proof of that testing and the results to FLXCC administrators prior to their being allowed to return to work.

  • Should a staff person test positive for COVID-19, FLXCC administration will immediately report this to state and local health department and cooperate with them on contact tracing efforts.

  • All FLXCC staff will wear masks when in the presence of individuals and families we are serving or interviewing with. Likewise, we will require mask usage when meeting with co-workers and colleagues from outside agencies when social distancing guidelines cannot be met.

  • FLXCC may provide their own masks or one is provided to them free of charge by the agency. Masks must be worn properly, covering both the mouth and the nose at all times. FLXCC does not recognize face shields alone as a proper and safe face covering.

  • We will do as much by telephonic means and other contact-free methods when possible, within the guidelines provided by NYS Department of Health Waiver and Medicaid Management.

  • While the majority of our staff work remotely, we do have a main office that serves as a “drop-in” spot for staff and administrators. The office is cleaned and disinfected at the end of every workday and all surfaces that are deemed as “high touch” (door knobs, copier controls, telephones, etc.) are cleaned more frequently when used by multiple parties. Cleaning logs are kept as documentation of these cleanings.

  • All FLXCC staff are asked to sanitize their hands when entering the main office, before using the copy machine and before and after in-person visits and meetings.

  • Outside visitors are not allowed at the FLXCC main offices at this time.

  • All FLXCC staff have been educated on and will adhere to the CDC guidelines regarding appropriate donning, removal and disposal of PPE.